Saturday, December 12, 2009

In LOVE...

With This




little guy

I am amazed by the awesomeness of God as I sit listening a to lullaby CD, watching this sweet little guy sleep peacefully on the baby monitor. I am in awe of his sweet personality. I feel so blessed to have the awesome responsibility to care for little Trygger. To be a part of his life. His life holds so much in store for him. He has AMAZING parents, genuine, compassionate, lifetime learner parents who have been such an influence on my life and continue to be.

I cannot help but get a bit excited and antsy for the life I long for to begin as I sit in this cozy house in my favorite city, surrounded by books of the faith, with a tiny cloth diapered baby upstairs and a big 'ol dog by my feet. This is what I was created to do, to love babies, to care for them, to live deeply...

For now, though, I will close the computer, pull out the text books and begin to study for exam week, striving to be content with where I am now in the journey... Growing in the Soil of Hope

1 comment:

debi9kids said...

This just made me smile :)
What a sweet post and what a huge and beautiful heart you have! I can not wait to follow along on your journey when the time comes...