Monday, November 18, 2013


I have witnessed 50 babies enter the world and cry out using their wet lungs for the first time. 50 holy moments where heaven touched earth and families were made. And oh how my heart sings! 

The magnitude of this job is indescribable. The honor of entering into the sacred and being trusted to hold the space. Meconium and blood, vomit and bile, tears and waters.  I am so blessed.

Today as baby #50 inched her way past the perineum into my waiting hands,  The Boss' eyes met mine and we smiled. I remembered my first births, watching the senior apprentice and The Boss share that same look and smile, the knowing that the baby was coming, the excitement. I remember waiting for the day that it would be my turn. 

What a wild ride! Now as we count down births until The Boss heads off on a new adventure,  I am stuck in the bittersweet. I'm so proud of her and excited for her but am going to miss her. Like the song says "you're gonna miss this" I'm gonna miss sharing these sticky, sweaty, wet, tired, laughter, miracle filled days with her across the birth pool. 

What an adventure this life has turned out to be and so full of gifts each day. Powerful. Holy. Friendship. "The rabbi" may be leaving for a while but she has blessed me with a circle of friends I will forever thankful for (you know who you are and thank you for your friendship I am so lucky you guys have taken me into your circle) and will be leaving me "covered in her slime". (Backstory here 

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