Thursday, January 14, 2010


Need I say more?

I was looking for a photo to share with this post, but after a Google search turned up a photo of a family, bloodied and bruised, in a pile of rubble I could not post it here...
( for those who may need a reminder of the devastation.

Compassion International serves children and families in Haiti, more than 65,000 children in Haiti. At least a third of them live in the areas that were hardest hit.
the children in Haiti are in shock and face immediate needs for food, water, medical care, shelter and counseling.

Compassion International says "We need your help immediately. Please reach out in the name of Jesus to bring relief, comfort, love and restoration to precious children and families whose lives have been devastated by this crisis."

To help out visit this link Haiti Relief

And As always, keep those in need in your prayers


debi9kids said...

just so heartwrenching...

mommytoalot said...

So very sad.
I have been keeping Haiti in my prayers..