Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search
Courtney Needs A New Camera
Amen to that one! I have a photography class this fall!
"[your name] looks like"
Courtney looks like a lot of the old broads I see here on the Upper East side
Google is mean!
"[your name] wants"
Sure, against abusive parents, arrogant leaders and injustice!
"[your name] does"
Courtney does Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
wow that is a bit presumptuous!
"[your name] hates"
Courtney hates having her photo taken
ummm… sometimes…
"[your name] asks"
Courtney asks us to join in with a chorus
"[your name] likes"
Courtney likes to paint
Sure do! Finger-painting is my specialty! (this is actually a website courtneylikestopaint.com)
"[your name] eats"
Courtney eats and eats but doesn't seem to gain
Wouldn’t that be nice!
"[your name] wears"
Courtney wears her sentiments on her chest
"[your name] was arrested for"
Courtney was arrested for reckless endangerment and assault after she allegedly bonked a man on the head
"[your name] loves"
Courtney Loves Smashing Up Hotel Rooms
Ummm not really, well except for maybe that time I was really young and babysitting at GWL and the kids would not stop jumping from bed to bed and security came up….
If you give this one a try, I'd love to read it. Leave me a link in the comments.
Thanks to Katie for sharing this meme.
OMGosh! This is so much fun! I HAVE to do this one. Will let you know when it's done! FUN!
Hi! How is your summer going? I hope you are enjoying your break.
Gavin spent last week at Lego Camp at Hope - he loved it!
Anyway, your answers are hilarious! Totally makes me laugh at the crazy things that come up. I like the needs a new camera one. I wish mine would have said that...then I could try to convince my husband that even Google says so:)
The Aquatic Center is on 22nd Street, just past River/Washington (whatever the heck that street is called there). It is pretty close to campus.
Have a great day!
Ha! I luv this! I did it too.... look here: Life Needs Retouches
I did it too! It's @ little limerence
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