Sunday, May 10, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not decide half way through packing that I was done and just shove my stuff into garbage bags and load them into my car, not me!

I did not load up the car drive 15min away and park it for the entire weekend in order to babysit 2 beautiful girls, not me!

I did not enjoy the wonderful sunshine and warmth by taking the girls out in the stroller twice a day, not me!

I did not convince my little sis to trade her full-size bed for my twin-sized bed, I would never be that sneaky, not me!

I did not get my mom and dad matching "I love my Husband/Wife" shirts for mother's/father's day, not me, that would be way to gooshy!

I did not, actually enjoy attending my home church for the first time in a long while, and for once not feel like I didn't belong there anymore after being away at college, not me!

I did not go to bed at 7pm on Sunday night and spend 4 hours online under the covers, not me!

I did not nearly jump up and down in the store when I saw that Fla-vor-ice 100 pack boxes were available again due to the summer coming, and I sure do not eat 10 in one sitting, not me!

I am not going to the daycare to help out in the infant room without being on payroll just because I miss being surrounded by 7 crying, crawling, spitting-up, drooling, mess-making cuddly, sweet babies, not me, I have relaxing to do on summer break!

I did not get a bit bummed on Sunday when the pastor chose to preach on Hannah and Samuel, thinking about how I may be brokenhearted like Hannah was when she was barren, not me I am positive about my future with Endometriosis

I do not still miss Elianna everyday, yet am afraid to call her mother, not because of what she may say, but because of what she may not say or do...

I am not at all looking forward to going to the U.P. (Michigan's upper peninsula) to visit the people I loved with while attending NMU for a year, not me!

I did not say things I never thought I would say to someone whom many think would not deserve empathy and compassion, and I think it was a blessing to both of us.


I am feeling so blessed today, so loved and so happy, and it is so good!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hi Courtney, tag your it! I tagged you on my blog but don't feel obligated to do it or anything!