Monday, December 01, 2008

Last week of Classes

How i wish i liked coffee... this is gonna be a looooooooooooooong week!

I recently read this in a book and thought I would share....

If God is all good, all wise, and all powerful, then, "all things work together for good" (Rom 8:28) even the most inexplicable sufferings. For if God is all good, never our harm; and if God is all wise, he never errs about what our true good is; and if God is all powerful, he accomplishes all that He wills, there can be neither indifference, nor ignorance, nor impotence in God -- the only escape clause from all things working together for our own good is our own free-choice to reject and depart from His will... not everything that happens is good in itself, but everything that happens "works for" our good. If he can work the greatest evil, the cruisifuction, for greatest good of all, our salvation, He can certainly work lesser evils for lesser goods... The pain in nessessary, though we do not understand why... Usually it is God's goodness and love we doubt since we know deep down that we do not deserve the love of a perfect being.
Peace and joy to you all in this season of remembering, loving, and cherishing...

1 comment:

debi9kids said...

How beautiful and very appropriate during this Advent season.