For friends who
share their stories
Their homes
Their babies
Their dogs
Their cars
Their books
Their hands
Their husbands when you lock your keys in your car for the hundredth time.
Their Knowledge
Their Ponies
Their sermons
A cup of tea
A hug
Chocolate and rescue remedy
For friends who push me harder than I think I can go
For friends willing to kick my butt
To encourage
To inspire
To teach
For friends that are honest even when it hurts
For friends that share
Their time
Their words
Their love
Grateful that i have a God that knows exactly what he's doing even when I second guess, even when I stand trembling in fear, even when I fall.
Grateful for his agape love and blessings and promises especially when I struggle with accepting them. For mercy and grace and glimpses of "on earth as it is in heaven"