Thursday, September 20, 2012


 If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.  
~Mother Teresa

September 21st is known as International Day of Peace. It was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981, "Peace Day should be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples…This day will serve as a reminder to all peoples that our organization, with all its limitations, is a living instrument in the service of peace and should serve all of us here within the organization as a constantly pealing bell reminding us that our permanent commitment, above all interests or differences of any kind, is to peace"  

Peace day is an important day in my book, a day to unite and make strides towards peace within the world, our cities, our neighborhoods, our families and our homes, but September 21st holds a special place in my heart for a few other reasons. 

September 21st 2010
 "The Lord has given life to a sweet little boy on this day of Peace. Strong lungs and a thick head of hair, ready to face surgery tomorrow" -ckb 2010

Sweet baby Gabe is two! A walking, talking, bright eyed and funny little person. My heart overflows with love for his sweet family, and with gratitude to my amazing God. 

Gabe's Poem
(written on his first birthday)

Ask me what peace is and I will tell you
Peace is the Steady Beat hiding behind the whooshing sounds 
Peace is Faith beyond what the tests reveal
Peace is found in prayers full of tears 
Peace is the sound of that first squealing cry
Peace is in healing and heading home
Peace is Hope at each small twitch of little feet
Peace is the feeling of you in my arms for the first time
Peace is that sweet baby smell I can never seem to get enough of
Peace is the power of seeing you stand
Peace is the blessing of watching you grow
Peace is what I feel holding you tonight, 
one year later
Peace is a toddler who rests deeply
unaware of the tears that glisten in sun-bleached hair
who still (barely) fits in my lap.

To read more about the amazing Gabe click here 

September 21st 2010 

"I cannot find the peace in the reunification of a baby, who was abandoned at the hospital, nameless, motherless, who became loved, named and cherished..." -ckb 2010


September 21st also reminds me of how sometimes finding peace with a situation can be tough. My heart was broken two years ago by the fb message telling me that my baby would never be mine. 

I have come a long way since then, my heart still feels the connection to her, and sometimes my arms still ache to hold her close and feel her tiny heart beat against my chest. But, I am finding the peace that I could not find two years ago. I am holding tight to the promises of the God who is holding her. 

Isabella and mama

and although the image brings tears to my eyes and a hurt deep in my soul, I can almost picture her, two years old, spunky and sweet, long jet-black hair, piercing auburn eyes, laughter like sunshine... Running into her mother's arms.

“When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.” 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

What life looks like these days...

I am feeling extra blessed today after a couple hours of sleep. This week was crazy busy! 

I filled in for a friend with one of her postpartum doula clients. (click for definition of postpartum doula "Boss" is a sweet little boy with amazing facial expressions! I enjoyed hanging out with him in the wee hours of the morning.

We had a few births recently, 3 beautiful baby girls and 3 strong and amazing mamas. I am still reeling and writing birth stories in my private journal. 

Along with the new life, came a  final goodbyes this side of heaven as my cousins lost a grandmother. Please keep them in your prayers, she was a wonderful woman.  

Daycare has been good, It had been nice having a small number of babies each day, I am able to do more things with them and enjoy the day a bit more I am greatful for my  amazing and supportive coworkers who helped out this week with the birth craziness. 

Another highlight was witnessing one of "my" babies' amazing healing after her open heart surgery as we played this morning. She is crawling and pulling up, laughing and being a stinker. You would never know she had surgery  2 weeks ago. 

Soaking it all up today, and praising God for it all.